Sunday, March 20, 2011

Happy Birthday Hubby!

Yesterday Greg turned 32. It was a great day, even though it poured rain! I enjoyed celebrating my husband's birthday for the first time. Greg metioned that he hopes to spend all of his birthdays from now on with me. He said, "I have spent 30 birthdays apart from you, so I have to celebrate at least the next 31 with you." Such a sweet guy. (I of course told him I hope it is more like the next 70 :-)) In light of Greg's birthday I thought I would share 32 things I love/admire about him:

1. His smile, it warms my heart.
2. His soft blue eyes (yay for blue! He is the only one in his immediate family that has blue eyes, and I am thrilled he does).
3. His excitement for games. Sports games, card games, board games, or even made-up games.
4. That he is a kid at heart.
5. His love for sweets. (I think he has more than one sweet tooth!)
6. His walk with the Lord. So passionate and real.
7. The way he loves me.
8. His sentimental side.
9. Watching him play with our pup Bailey
10. His intelligence, he is so smart!
11. The way he knows how to solve or set up anything eletronical. I love being married to an IT guy.
12. How he is handy around the house. Good ol' Tim the Tool Man Taylor (minus all the blowing up his creations).
13. That he is a dreamer and can cast vision better than me.
14. That he loves my cooking.
15. His very TENDER heart, such a sensitive guy.
16. That he suprised me with Bailey because he knew how badly I desired to have a puppy, even if he didnt really want one. (And yes, she has stolen his heart :-))
17. How musically talented he is. I love listening to him play guitar or piano.
18. How he geniunely cares for others.
19. That he is a leader. Period.
20. That he is not afraid to tell me I am being ridiculous. (Yes, it does happen.. ocasionally.)
21. How he has learned so much since we got married.
22. How excited he gets about things his heart is passionate for.
23. That he desires to be a dad, a good godly one.
24. That he adores me.
25. How he respects and loves my family.
26. That he handles our finances, and does an excellent job.
27. That he is willing to clean, although he hates it.
28. That is an outstanding role model to our students.
29. How he knows his Bible and our Lord so well.
30. How he will never settle for second best.
31. That I can trust him fully with my life and our future.
32. That he is mine, and I am his!

This may have been a bit to sappy for most of you. But, I love my husband and I am not ashamed of that! :-)

Happy Birthday babe, I love you!

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